Archive for December 22nd, 2009|Daily archive page

Don’t Forget to Turn Your Phone On During the Job Hunt

I’m not a big cell phone user. Actually, I checked the AT&T website yesterday and noticed I haven’t called anyone, have texted two people and haven’t used one of my mobile to mobile minutes. Rollover minutes mean nothing to me, as I have 5,000 of them. Good thing to have in case of a zombie apocalypse of something, though.

I use my cell phone so little that if it doesn’t ring for a week or if I don’t get a text for two weeks it really doesn’t bother me.  Catch me on facebook, twitter or even the standby AOL Instant Messenger.

Enter Twilight: New Moon. I finally got around to seeing it last weekend. For that reason, I put my cell phone on vibrate. That was Saturday evening.  Since I don’t expect very many phone calls I forgot, or didn’t take it off of vibrate. It’s been in my purse for the last four days. Unanswered.

Enter the job hunt. Do you ever put your phone number down as your preferred mode of communication? As a closer, e.g. – “Please call me at (210) XXX –XXXX to discuss the possibilities of this position…” thinking that they will contact you? Yeah. That’s me. It’s on every cover letter.  But, my phone is on vibrate.  Yet, I sit by my e-mail waiting for all those responses because that’s how I communicate.  But, is that how everyone else communicates?

If that was the way everyone else communicated the telecommunication market wouldn’t be as big as it is. Ahaha! There it is. Different companies communicate differently. Some e-mail, some call, some send letters through snail mail. And we, I, us, have to adapt to their style of recruitment. If that means I have to religiously remember to turn my phone back on then I have to remember to turn my phone back on.  Or, if you are like one of my best friend’s who never checks her e-mail (Why is she like that?) then you need to remember to check your e-mail two-three times a day.

Communication. Communication is key in the job hunt.  Even if you are looking for a job that involves crunching numbers and not talking to a single person (auditor?) you need to remember that if you cannot remember to turn your phone off of vibrate to get the call to come in o interview then you’re never going to get that awesome job.

P.S.- To add to the story I had three voicemails, two from friends and one for an interview that I scheduled for tomorrow. Real moral of the story, don’t be a ditz.